Trusted tool
25,000+ active users since 2017
Get every feature Bitly has to offer and much more, without any hidden costs.
Import all your links using a Bitly file, instantly.
Import from Bitly nowSee how your links are doing in real-time and get detailed insights on every click.
Edit, manage, and track all of your links from a single, centralized location.
See how your links are doing in real-time and get detailed insights on every click.
Organize your links and automate your workflow with link tags and campaigns.
Pixelfy offers you lots of link tools and features that you can't get on Bitly.
Test several links at once and distribute traffic between them to find out which one is driving the most traffic.
Learn moreSplit your traffic to different landing pages without the hassle of sharing multiple links at the same time.
Learn moreTarget different audiences and customers with relevant ads and web pages based on their country or region.
Learn moreRedirect customers to relevant URLs depending on their mobile operating systems.
Learn moreTrack your ad campaign performance and see where your traffic is coming from using UTM tags.
Learn moreStay on top of any traffic changes with daily, weekly, and monthly progress reports.
Learn moreTrack your customers’ behavior after they click on your ads using different tracking codes.
Learn morePixelfy packs more tools, views, and features than Bitly — all at a better price.
25,000+ active users since 2017
No matter what plan you pick
Avg. response time is only 19 min.
And much more without any hidden costs or fees
Get started now