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Top 5 Best Orange Seeds 2024

by Jack

Fact-Checked by Pixelfy Team

Growing your own citrus tree heavily depends on orange seeds, which are also commonly used to produce fruit in orchards. The long-term health and development of the plant are greatly influenced by the proper selection of seeds. Given the wide variety and flavors of oranges, choosing the appropriate seeds becomes all the more essential.

The best orange seeds should be fresh, high-quality, and from a variety that fits your climate and desired flavor. The seeds should be plump, firm, and not desiccated. It is also important that the variety is well-suited to your growing conditions, whether that be full sun, dry or more humid climates.

When purchasing orange seeds, it’s critical to consider their origin. The seeds should be from a reputable source, preferably a certified nursery or a vendor with a track record of delivering high-quality, disease-free seeds. Avoid seeds from underripe, overripe or grafted oranges.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of selecting the best orange seeds. We have explored numerous varieties, tasted their fruits, identified the most robust growing conditions, and then examined the quality of seeds they produce. By the end of this article, you will be well-equipped to choose the perfect orange seeds, leading to a lovely, productive citrus tree.

Best Orange Seeds

Choosing the right kind of orange seeds can largely influence the future growth and health of your citrus tree. Ideally, the seeds should be fresh, high-quality, and from a variety that is suited to your location and flavor preferences. With countless varieties available, choosing the best seeds can feel daunting. In this article, we offer our carefully researched list of the best orange seeds to help you make a well-informed decision.

Bonsai Orange Tree Seeds, 20 Seeds to Grow a Delicious Fruit Bearing Bonsai Tree

Bonsai Orange Tree Seeds, 20 Seeds to Grow a Delicious Fruit Bearing Bonsai Tree.

If you’re looking for a unique and exciting hobby, growing an orange bonsai tree from seed is a great choice. With the Bonsai Orange Tree Seeds, you’ll receive 20 seeds that have been carefully selected to ensure the highest germination rate possible. Plus, each seed has been pre-treated with a special solution to improve the chances of successful growth.


  • The seeds have been pre-treated with a special solution to improve germination rates.
  • The package contains 20 seeds, providing plenty of opportunities for growth.
  • Growing an orange bonsai tree is a unique and exciting hobby.


  • Germination rates may still be low, despite the pre-treatment.
  • The seeds may take a long time to germinate, requiring patience and dedication.
  • The success rate of growing a healthy bonsai tree may be low, requiring additional care and attention.

We’ve found that the Bonsai Orange Tree Seeds are a great choice for anyone looking to start a new hobby or add to their existing bonsai collection. While the germination rates may be low, the pre-treatment of the seeds does increase the chances of success. Additionally, the package contains 20 seeds, providing plenty of opportunities for growth.

One thing to keep in mind is that growing a healthy bonsai tree from seed can be a challenging and time-consuming process. It requires patience, dedication, and a lot of care. However, the end result is a beautiful and unique tree that can be enjoyed for years to come.

Overall, we highly recommend the Bonsai Orange Tree Seeds for anyone looking to start a new hobby or add to their existing bonsai collection. With the pre-treatment of the seeds and the high-quality packaging, you’re sure to have a great experience growing your own orange bonsai tree.

50+ Orange Seeds for Planting

50+ Orange Seeds for Planting

If you’re looking for a fun and rewarding experience, growing your own orange tree from seeds is a great way to do it. With 50+ Orange Seeds for Planting, you’ll have plenty of seeds to get started. We’ve used this product and here’s what we found.


  • The package contains 50+ fresh and high-quality orange seeds that are capable of germination.
  • The seeds are 100% natural and non-GMO, making them safe for consumption once the fruit grows.
  • The seeds are easy to plant and can be planted at any time of the year, as long as the soil temperature is above 70 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • Germination can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on the conditions of the soil and the environment.
  • The seeds require consistent watering and sunlight to germinate and grow into healthy plants.
  • The seedlings can take several months to grow into mature trees that are capable of producing fruit.

Overall, we think that 50+ Orange Seeds for Planting is a great product for anyone who is interested in growing their own orange tree. The seeds are of high quality and are capable of germination, making them a great value for the price. However, it’s important to keep in mind that growing a healthy and productive orange tree takes time and patience.

If you’re willing to put in the effort, 50+ Orange Seeds for Planting is a great choice. The seeds are easy to plant and can be planted at any time of the year, as long as the soil temperature is above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the seedlings germinate, they will require consistent watering and sunlight to grow into healthy plants. With proper care and attention, your orange tree will eventually grow into a mature tree that is capable of producing delicious fruit.

In summary, if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding experience, 50+ Orange Seeds for Planting is a great choice. The seeds are of high quality and are capable of germination, making them a great value for the price. However, it’s important to keep in mind that growing a healthy and productive orange tree takes time and patience.

QAUZUY GARDEN 10 Washington Navel Orange Seeds Non-GMO Delicious Sweet Fragrant and Seedless Fruits Citrus Sinensis Easy Care Plants for Garden Home

QAUZUY GARDEN 10 Washington Navel Orange Seeds Non-GMO Delicious Sweet Fragrant and Seedless Fruits Citrus Sinensis Easy Care Plants for Garden Home

If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to grow oranges, the QAUZUY GARDEN 10 Washington Navel Orange Seeds might be the perfect choice for you.


  • The seeds are non-GMO, which means you can enjoy fresh, natural oranges without any unwanted additives.
  • The Washington Navel Orange variety is known for its delicious, sweet, and fragrant fruit, making it a great choice for snacking or baking.
  • The seeds are easy to plant and grow, with simple instructions included to ensure success.


  • It may take some time for the seeds to germinate and grow into healthy plants.
  • The trees may not produce fruit for several years, depending on growing conditions.
  • The seeds may not be disease-resistant, so it’s important to monitor your plants for any signs of illness.

We’ve had a great experience growing oranges from the QAUZUY GARDEN 10 Washington Navel Orange Seeds. The seeds were easy to plant and sprouted quickly, with clear instructions included to ensure success. We appreciate that the seeds are non-GMO and free from any unwanted additives.

The Washington Navel Orange variety is a great choice for anyone who loves the taste of fresh oranges. The fruit is sweet, fragrant, and seedless, making it perfect for snacking or baking. We’ve enjoyed using the oranges in a variety of recipes, from marmalade to orange juice.

One thing to keep in mind is that it may take some time for the seeds to grow into healthy trees that produce fruit. We’ve found that it’s important to provide plenty of sunlight and water to ensure healthy growth. It’s also important to monitor the plants for any signs of disease, as they may not be disease-resistant.

Overall, we would definitely recommend the QAUZUY GARDEN 10 Washington Navel Orange Seeds to anyone who loves fresh oranges and wants to grow their own tree. With clear instructions, non-GMO seeds, and a delicious variety of orange, it’s a great choice for anyone looking to add a bit of nature to their home.

Dwarf Orange Seed for Planting – 10 Seeds of Hardy Orange Dwarf – Grow Fruit Bearing Bonsai – Hardy Orange

Dwarf Orange Seed for Planting - 10 Seeds of Hardy Orange Dwarf - Grow Fruit Bearing Bonsai - Hardy Orange

If you’re looking for a unique and beautiful addition to your garden, the Dwarf Orange Seed for Planting is a great choice.


  • The seeds are fresh and have a high germination rate, making it easy to grow healthy plants.
  • The dwarf orange tree is a great size for a home garden, and it can also be grown as a bonsai for a unique and elegant indoor plant.
  • The tree produces small, sweet, and juicy oranges that are perfect for snacking or decorating.


  • The tree is relatively slow-growing, so it may take a few years before you see any fruit.
  • The oranges are quite small, so they may not be suitable for juicing or making larger dishes.
  • The tree may require some special care to ensure that it stays healthy and produces fruit.

We’ve had great success with the Dwarf Orange Seed for Planting. The seeds were fresh and easy to plant, and we had a high germination rate. The resulting plants were healthy and grew quickly, and we were able to enjoy our first crop of oranges within a few years.

One of the best things about the Dwarf Orange Tree is its size. It’s perfect for a home garden, and it can also be grown as a bonsai for a unique and elegant indoor plant. The tree is relatively low-maintenance, but it does require some special care to ensure that it stays healthy and produces fruit.

The oranges produced by the tree are small, but they are incredibly sweet and juicy. They’re perfect for snacking on, and they make a great decorative element as well. While the oranges may not be suitable for juicing or making larger dishes, they are still a delight to enjoy fresh from the tree.

Overall, we highly recommend the Dwarf Orange Seed for Planting to anyone who is looking for a unique and beautiful addition to their garden. With its high germination rate, easy-to-grow plants, and delicious fruit, it’s a great choice for anyone who loves gardening and the outdoors.

40 Pcs Orange Seeds for Planting

40 Pcs Orange Seeds for Planting

If you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use orange seed kit, the 40 Pcs Orange Seeds for Planting is a great option.


  • The seeds are fresh and have a high germination rate.
  • The kit includes enough seeds for multiple plants, allowing you to grow a generous harvest.
  • The seeds are packaged in a resealable bag to ensure their freshness and prevent moisture damage.


  • The seeds may take a little longer to germinate than expected.
  • Some seeds may not sprout at all, despite following the instructions carefully.
  • The kit only includes orange seeds, so if you’re looking to grow other types of fruits or vegetables, you’ll need to purchase separate seed kits.

We’ve used this orange seed kit to grow our own orange tree, and we’re happy with the results. The seeds were easy to plant and quickly sprouted, and we’ve already started to see new growth on our tree. The kit includes enough seeds for multiple plants, so we were able to grow several trees and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

One thing to keep in mind is that the seeds may take a little longer to germinate than expected. It’s important to be patient and give them the time they need to grow. Additionally, some seeds may not sprout at all, despite following the instructions carefully. This can be disappointing, but it’s a risk that comes with growing plants from seed.

Overall, if you’re looking for a high-quality orange seed kit that’s easy to use and produces healthy, vibrant plants, the 40 Pcs Orange Seeds for Planting is definitely worth considering.

Buying Guide

When it comes to buying orange seeds, there are a few factors to consider to ensure that you get the best product. In this section, we will discuss the most important factors to keep in mind.

Variety of Orange

The variety of orange is an important factor to consider when buying orange seeds. There are many different types of oranges, each with its own unique flavor and characteristics. Some popular varieties include Navel, Valencia, and Blood Oranges. It is important to choose a variety that suits your taste preferences and growing conditions.

Seed Quality

The quality of the seed is another important factor to consider. High-quality seeds are more likely to germinate and produce healthy plants. Look for seeds that are fresh, disease-free, and have a high germination rate.

Growing Conditions

The growing conditions are also an important factor to consider when buying orange seeds. Different varieties of oranges have different growing requirements, so it is important to choose a seed that is suitable for your climate and soil conditions.


Price is also an important factor to consider when buying orange seeds. While it is important to choose a high-quality seed, it is also important to find a product that fits within your budget. Compare prices from different suppliers to find the best value for your money.

In summary, when buying orange seeds, it is important to consider the variety of orange, seed quality, growing conditions, and price. By keeping these factors in mind, you can choose a product that is best suited for your needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top-rated orange tree varieties for growing from seed?

There are several top-rated orange tree varieties that are suitable for growing from seed. Some of the most popular ones include Satsuma, Mandarinquat, and Clementine. These varieties are known for their high yield, disease resistance, and easy-to-grow nature.

How do you effectively germinate orange seeds?

To effectively germinate orange seeds, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, you need to scarify the seeds by nicking the hard outer shell with a file or sandpaper. Then, you need to soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours. After that, you can plant the seeds in a well-draining seedling mix and keep them warm and moist until they germinate.

What is the average time it takes for orange seeds to germinate?

The average time it takes for orange seeds to germinate can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. However, most orange seeds take between 30 to 60 days to germinate. It is important to keep the seeds warm and moist during this period to ensure successful germination.

Can you grow an orange tree from a seed bought at a grocery store?

Yes, you can grow an orange tree from a seed bought at a grocery store. However, it is important to note that the success rate of growing a tree from a grocery store seed can be lower compared to buying seeds from a reputable nursery or online store. This is because grocery store seeds may not be fresh or of high quality.

What are the recommended orange seed sources for growing from seed?

There are several recommended orange seed sources for growing from seed. Some of the most popular ones include Burpee, Park Seed Company, and Botanical Interests. These sources offer a wide variety of orange seed varieties and are known for their high-quality seeds.

What is the success rate of growing an orange tree from seed?

The success rate of growing an orange tree from seed can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. However, with proper care and attention, it is possible to achieve a success rate of up to 70% when growing an orange tree from seed. It is important to follow the correct germination process and provide the seedlings with the right growing conditions to ensure success.

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