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Top 5 Best Absorbed Iron Supplement For Anemia 2024

by Jack

Fact-Checked by Pixelfy Team

Research shows that **Floradix Iron & Herbs Vegetarian Liquid Supplement** has high bioavailability and great patient satisfaction. This means it’s a good choice for folks dealing with anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. One of the most effective ways to treat this condition is by taking iron supplements. However, not all iron supplements are created equal. Some are better absorbed by the body than others, making them more effective in treating anemia.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the best absorbed iron supplement for anemia. We’ll be looking at the different types of iron supplements available and what to consider when choosing one. We’ll also be reviewing the top iron supplements on the market to help you make an informed decision.

When choosing an iron supplement, it’s important to consider the type of iron used. There are two types of iron found in supplements: heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron is found in animal products and is more easily absorbed by the body. Non-heme iron, on the other hand, is found in plant-based foods and is less easily absorbed.

For people with anemia, it’s recommended to choose an iron supplement that contains heme iron. This type of iron is more easily absorbed by the body, making it more effective in treating anemia. It’s also important to choose a supplement that contains a high dose of iron to ensure that you’re getting enough to treat your anemia.

In the next section, we’ll be reviewing the top iron supplements on the market that contain heme iron and a high dose of iron. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to choose the best absorbed iron supplement for anemia.

Best Absorbed Iron Supplements for Anemia

We understand the struggles of dealing with anemia and the importance of finding the right supplement to help you feel better. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best absorbed iron supplements for anemia. These supplements are designed to help increase your iron levels and improve your overall health. We’ve researched and tested each product to ensure that they are the most effective and reliable options on the market. So, whether you’re looking for a liquid or a pill form, we’ve got you covered. Check out our top picks below.

Floradix Iron & Herbs Vegetarian Liquid Supplement

Floradix Iron & Herbs Vegetarian Liquid Supplement

If you’re looking for an easily absorbed iron supplement to help with anemia, Floradix Iron & Herbs Vegetarian Liquid Supplement might be a good option for you.


  • This liquid supplement is easily absorbed by the body, so you don’t have to worry about the iron not being utilized properly.
  • It’s vegetarian, non-GMO, kosher, and lactose-free, so it’s suitable for a wide range of dietary needs.
  • The iron is combined with herbs that can help support energy levels, making it a great choice for those who feel fatigued due to anemia.


  • Some people find the taste of the supplement to be unpleasant, so you may need to chase it with another beverage to make it more palatable.
  • The bottle only contains 8.5 fluid ounces, so you may need to purchase multiple bottles if you plan on taking the supplement long-term.
  • The dropper can be a bit messy, so you may need to be careful when using it to avoid spills.

In our experience, Floradix Iron & Herbs Vegetarian Liquid Supplement is a great option for those who need an easily absorbed iron supplement. The combination of iron and herbs can help support energy levels, and the supplement is suitable for a variety of dietary needs. However, the taste can be a bit unpleasant for some, and the dropper can be messy, so you’ll need to be careful when using it. Overall, we would recommend this supplement to anyone looking for an effective way to boost their iron levels.

MegaFood Blood Builder – Iron Supplement

MegaFood Blood Builder - Iron Supplement

If you’re looking for an effective iron supplement to help combat anemia, then MegaFood’s Blood Builder may be the right choice for you.


  • Clinically shown to increase iron levels without side effects
  • Formulated with vitamin C and beet root to aid in absorption
  • Includes folic acid and vitamin B12 for healthy red blood cell production


  • May cause constipation in some individuals
  • Some users have reported an unpleasant taste
  • May not be suitable for those with certain dietary restrictions

We’ve been using MegaFood’s Blood Builder for a few weeks now, and we have to say we’re impressed with the results. Unlike some other iron supplements, this one doesn’t cause any unpleasant side effects like constipation or upset stomach.

One of the things we love about this supplement is that it’s formulated with vitamin C and beet root, which helps your body absorb the iron more effectively. Plus, it includes folic acid and vitamin B12, which are essential for healthy red blood cell production.

While the tablets themselves are a bit on the large side, we found them easy to swallow with a glass of water. However, some users have reported an unpleasant taste, so that’s something to keep in mind.

Overall, if you’re looking for a gentle and effective iron supplement to help combat anemia, we highly recommend giving MegaFood’s Blood Builder a try.

Slow Fe 45mg Iron Supplement for Iron Deficiency

Slow Fe Iron Supplement

If you’re looking for the best absorbed iron supplement for anemia, Slow Fe 45mg Iron Supplement is a top contender. As the number one doctor recommended iron supplement for iron deficiency, it’s formulated with high potency iron to deliver the essential mineral your body needs to produce hemoglobin.


  • Slow release system delivers iron slowly, causing fewer digestive side effects
  • Easy-to-swallow tablet
  • Non-constipating


  • May cause mild stomach discomfort for some users
  • May have a metallic taste
  • Not recommended for individuals with hemochromatosis

We’ve found that Slow Fe iron supplements are gentle on the stomach and cause fewer digestive side effects than other iron supplements we’ve tried. The controlled release system delivers iron slowly, which is less likely to cause constipation or upset stomach. Plus, the easy-to-swallow tablet is a convenient daily solution for anemia.

One downside is that some users may experience mild stomach discomfort or a metallic taste. Also, if you have hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes the body to absorb too much iron, this supplement is not recommended.

Overall, Slow Fe 45mg Iron Supplement is an effective and convenient solution for iron deficiency anemia.

NATURELO Vegan Iron Supplement with Vitamin C and Organic Whole Foods

NATURELO Vegan Iron Supplement

If you’re looking for an iron supplement that is gentle on the stomach and easy to absorb, then the NATURELO Vegan Iron Supplement is a great choice.


  • The iron supplement is gentle on the stomach and doesn’t cause nausea or constipation.
  • The supplement is formulated with vitamin C and organic whole foods to enhance absorption and provide additional nutrients.
  • The iron is in the form of Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate, which has nearly 2x more bioavailability than other forms of iron, so you can get better results.


  • The pills are on the larger side, which may be difficult for some people to swallow.
  • Some customers have reported a metallic taste after taking the pills.
  • The pills may not be suitable for those with certain dietary restrictions, such as soy or gluten intolerance.

We’ve been using the NATURELO Vegan Iron Supplement for a few weeks now and have noticed a significant increase in our energy levels. We appreciate that the supplement is made with premium ingredients and is free from artificial additives.

One thing to note is that the pills are on the larger side, so they may be difficult for some people to swallow. Additionally, some customers have reported a metallic taste after taking the pills, although we haven’t experienced this issue ourselves.

Overall, we highly recommend the NATURELO Vegan Iron Supplement to anyone looking for a gentle, effective, and natural way to increase their iron levels.

NBI FerroSolve, Best Absorption Iron Supplement 45 mg | High Potency | GI Safe | 30ct Veggie Capsules

NBI FerroSolve

If you’re looking for an iron supplement that’s gentle on your stomach and provides a potent dose of iron, NBI FerroSolve is an excellent choice.


  • NBI FerroSolve is formulated with highly absorbable ferrous bis-glycinate chelate, which is gentle on your stomach and doesn’t cause constipation.
  • This supplement supports healthy iron levels, which are essential for vital functions such as mental focus, immune system, gastrointestinal processes, cardiovascular system, and temperature regulation.
  • NBI FerroSolve is manufactured in the USA and backed by clinical research, ensuring that you’re getting a high-quality supplement.


  • While NBI FerroSolve is gentle on your stomach, it may take a few weeks to see the full benefits of this supplement.
  • Some users may experience mild side effects such as nausea or stomach discomfort when taking NBI FerroSolve.
  • This supplement may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking certain medications.

If you’re looking for an iron supplement that’s easy on your stomach and provides a potent dose of iron, NBI FerroSolve is an excellent choice. This supplement is formulated with highly absorbable ferrous bis-glycinate chelate, which is gentle on your stomach and doesn’t cause constipation. Additionally, NBI FerroSolve supports healthy iron levels, which are essential for vital functions such as mental focus, immune system, gastrointestinal processes, cardiovascular system, and temperature regulation.

One of the best things about NBI FerroSolve is that it’s manufactured in the USA and backed by clinical research, ensuring that you’re getting a high-quality supplement. However, it’s important to note that while NBI FerroSolve is gentle on your stomach, it may take a few weeks to see the full benefits of this supplement. Additionally, some users may experience mild side effects such as nausea or stomach discomfort when taking NBI FerroSolve. Finally, this supplement may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking certain medications.

Overall, we highly recommend NBI FerroSolve for anyone looking for an iron supplement that’s gentle on their stomach and provides a potent dose of iron. With its highly absorbable formula and ability to support healthy iron levels, NBI FerroSolve is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their overall physical and mental health.

Buying Guide

When looking for the best absorbed iron supplement for anemia, there are a few key factors to consider before making a purchase. Here are some important features to look for:

Form of Iron

Iron supplements come in various forms, including ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate. Ferrous sulfate is the most commonly used form and is generally well absorbed by the body. Ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate are also good options and may be easier on the stomach for some individuals.


The recommended daily dose of iron for adults is 18 mg, but this may vary depending on the severity of the anemia and individual needs. It’s important to choose a supplement that provides the appropriate dosage for your specific situation.


Iron supplements can be difficult for the body to absorb, so it’s important to choose a product with high bioavailability. Look for supplements that contain iron in a form that is easily absorbed by the body, such as iron bisglycinate or iron amino acid chelate.

Additional Nutrients

Some iron supplements also contain additional nutrients that can aid in absorption, such as vitamin C or folate. These nutrients can help improve the effectiveness of the supplement and ensure that your body is able to properly absorb the iron.


Iron supplements can vary in price, so it’s important to consider your budget when making a purchase. While more expensive supplements may contain higher quality ingredients, there are also many affordable options that can be just as effective.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best absorbed iron supplement for your anemia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the side effects of taking iron pills for anemia?

Iron supplements can cause side effects such as constipation, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. These side effects can be reduced by taking the supplement with food or by switching to a different form of iron supplement.

How can iron supplements be taken to maximize their absorption?

Iron supplements should be taken on an empty stomach with a source of vitamin C, such as orange juice, to increase absorption. Avoid taking iron supplements with milk, calcium supplements, or antacids, as these can interfere with iron absorption.

Which iron supplements are recommended for individuals with a sensitive stomach?

Iron supplements that are gentle on the stomach include iron bisglycinate, iron picolinate, and iron glycinate. These forms of iron are less likely to cause gastrointestinal side effects.

What dosage of iron is typically advised for treating anemia?

The recommended dosage of iron for treating anemia varies depending on the severity of the anemia and the individual’s age and gender. In general, adults should take 150-200 mg of elemental iron per day, divided into two or three doses.

Are there specific iron supplements that are most effective for women?

Iron supplements that include additional nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin B12 may be more effective for women, as these nutrients are important for red blood cell production. Look for supplements that include at least 400 mcg of folic acid and 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12.

How can you tell if your iron supplements are effectively treating your anemia?

Your doctor will monitor your blood levels of hemoglobin and ferritin to determine if your iron supplements are effectively treating your anemia. It may take several weeks or months of consistent iron supplementation to see an improvement in these levels.

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