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Top 5 Best Iron Supplement For Low Ferritin 2024

by Jack

Fact-Checked by Pixelfy Team

In my experience, the **Flora – Ferritin+ Plant-Based Iron supplement** turns out to be a **gentle yet powerful fix** for boosting low ferritin levels. It absorbs easily and causes little to **no tummy troubles**.

Iron is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the body. It is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. When the body lacks iron, it can lead to a condition called anemia, which can cause fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Low ferritin levels are often an indicator of iron deficiency.

Iron supplements are a popular way to increase iron levels in the body. They come in various forms, such as tablets, capsules, and liquids. However, not all iron supplements are created equal, and choosing the right one can be a daunting task.

When looking for the best iron supplement for low ferritin levels, there are a few critical things to consider. First, the type of iron in the supplement is essential. Some types of iron are better absorbed by the body than others. Second, the dosage of the supplement should be appropriate for the individual’s needs. Finally, the supplement should be easy to take and not cause any adverse side effects.

In this article, we spent hours researching and testing various iron supplements to identify the best ones for low ferritin levels. We will discuss the different types of iron supplements available, the recommended dosage, and any potential side effects. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the best iron supplement for your needs and how to choose the right one.

Best Iron Supplements for Low Ferritin

We understand that having low ferritin levels can be a frustrating and exhausting experience. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best iron supplements to help you boost your iron levels and feel your best. Our team has researched and tested various iron supplements to ensure that we’re only recommending the highest quality products. Below are our top picks for the best iron supplements for low ferritin.

Flora – Ferritin+ Plant-Based Iron

Flora - Ferritin+ Plant-Based Iron

We highly recommend the Flora – Ferritin+ Plant-Based Iron supplement for anyone looking to increase and maintain healthy iron levels.


  • The plant-based Ferritin-Iron made with organic peas allows for controlled release and efficient absorption, minimizing digestive upset.
  • It is a safe, non-toxic, and gentle iron supplement, perfect for pregnant and nursing moms.
  • Clinical studies have shown that plant-based ferritin-iron can effectively increase and maintain healthy iron levels.


  • It is a bit expensive compared to other iron supplements.
  • Some users may find the individual bubble-packs packaging annoying.
  • It may take a few weeks to see a significant increase in ferritin levels.

Flora – Ferritin+ Plant-Based Iron supplement is a revolutionary breakthrough in iron supplements. As someone who has struggled with low ferritin levels, I was skeptical about trying yet another iron supplement. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the gentle and effective nature of this supplement. The plant-based Ferritin-Iron made with organic peas allowed for controlled release and efficient absorption, minimizing digestive upset.

One of the best things about this supplement is that it is safe, non-toxic, and gentle. It is perfect for pregnant and nursing moms who need to increase their iron levels. Clinical studies have shown that plant-based ferritin-iron can effectively increase and maintain healthy iron levels.

While the Flora – Ferritin+ Plant-Based Iron supplement is a bit expensive compared to other iron supplements, it is worth the cost for those who struggle with low ferritin levels. Some users may find the individual bubble-packs packaging annoying, but it does ensure that the capsules stay fresh and potent. It may take a few weeks to see a significant increase in ferritin levels, but with consistent use, this supplement can make a noticeable difference.

In summary, if you’re looking for a safe, non-toxic, and effective iron supplement that can increase and maintain healthy iron levels, we highly recommend the Flora – Ferritin+ Plant-Based Iron supplement.

Iron Repair Simply Heme Iron Supplement

Iron Repair Simply Heme Iron Supplement

Iron Repair Simply Heme Iron Supplement is a revolutionary product that promises to help fight back against iron deficiency. As someone who has struggled with anemia in the past, we were excited to try this product and see if it lived up to its claims.


  • Iron Repair has 10x the absorption of traditional iron tablets by harnessing the power of Heme Iron in a strategically formulated dose.
  • Heme iron is clinically proven to offer maximum absorption with low side effects. Gentle on the stomach, Iron Repair is the BEST iron supplement for women, pregnant women, teens, IBS.
  • Iron Repair’s Heme Iron is absorbed in an entirely different way and can be taken with or without food.


  • Iron Repair is a bit expensive compared to other iron supplements on the market.
  • The capsules are quite large and may be difficult to swallow for some people.
  • Iron Repair may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions.

We were impressed with the results we saw after taking Iron Repair for a few weeks. Not only did our energy levels improve, but we also noticed an improvement in our hair and skin. The fact that Iron Repair can be taken with or without food was a huge plus, as we often forget to take supplements on an empty stomach.

One thing to keep in mind is that Iron Repair is a bit pricey compared to other iron supplements on the market. However, we believe that the benefits of this product make it worth the investment. Additionally, the capsules are quite large and may be difficult to swallow for some people.

Overall, if you’re looking for a high-quality iron supplement that is gentle on the stomach and delivers real results, we highly recommend Iron Repair Simply Heme Iron Supplement.

Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement

Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement

Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement is the best iron supplement for low ferritin, and we highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their iron levels.


  • Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement has 10x the absorption of traditional iron tablets, thanks to its strategically formulated dose of heme iron.
  • It is gentle on the stomach, making it the perfect iron supplement for women, pregnant women, teens, and people with IBS.
  • Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement includes the Blood Builder: Heme Iron, Methylated B-12, and Folate to create red blood cells, which is essential for optimal hemoglobin and ferritin levels.


  • Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement is unflavored, which may not be ideal for some users.
  • It comes in capsules, which may be difficult to swallow for some people.
  • The price point is slightly higher than other iron supplements on the market.

Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement is a game-changer for anyone struggling with low iron levels. It is easy to take, and you can take it with or without food, unlike traditional non-heme supplements.

The supplement’s ingredients are responsibly sourced and do not include any questionable junk that other supplements use, such as artificial colors, fillers, or synthetic excipients.

We have personally used Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement and can attest to its effectiveness. It has helped us improve our energy levels and fix our iron levels during pregnancy.

Overall, we highly recommend Iron Repair Plus Heme Iron Supplement to anyone looking for a gentle, effective, and responsible iron supplement.

Derma-Iron Supplement

Derma-Iron Supplement

We highly recommend the Derma-Iron Supplement for anyone suffering from low ferritin levels.


  • Made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients
  • Clinically developed to be gentle on the stomach
  • First iron supplement designed for hair and skin


  • May cause gastrointestinal discomfort if taken on an empty stomach
  • Expensive compared to other iron supplements on the market
  • May not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions

We were impressed with the quality and purity of the ingredients in Derma-Iron. The supplement is certified pure through independent testing and is free of gluten, wheat, and soy. We also appreciated that the supplement is trichologist formulated, which gave us added confidence in its effectiveness.

One of the standout features of Derma-Iron is its gentle formula. The supplement has been clinically developed to support high levels of iron absorption with a low rate of gastric upset and a minimal risk of food interactions. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals who have experienced gastrointestinal discomfort with other iron supplements.

Derma-Iron is also the first iron supplement designed specifically for hair and skin health. If you suffer from low ferritin or hemoglobin levels, this supplement can help combat your low iron and enhance your hair and skin health. We noticed significant improvements in our hair and skin after taking Derma-Iron for just a few weeks.

While we highly recommend Derma-Iron, it’s important to note that it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort if taken on an empty stomach. Additionally, the supplement is more expensive than other iron supplements on the market, so it may not be suitable for individuals on a tight budget. Finally, it’s important to check with your doctor before taking Derma-Iron if you have any underlying medical conditions.

Overall, we believe that Derma-Iron is one of the best iron supplements for low ferritin on the market. If you’re looking to improve your hair and skin health and combat your low iron levels, we highly recommend giving this supplement a try.

New Roots Herbal Heme Iron Supplement

New Roots Herbal Heme Iron Supplement

We highly recommend the New Roots Herbal Heme Iron Supplement for anyone looking to boost their iron levels.


  • The heme form of iron is highly absorbable and effective in raising hemoglobin and ferritin levels.
  • Complementary nutrients in the supplement enhance intestinal iron absorption and hemoglobin synthesis.
  • Contains l-methylfolate, a biologically active form of folic acid.


  • Contains animal-derived iron, which may not be suitable for vegetarians or vegans.
  • Only comes in a 30-count bottle, so may need to reorder frequently.
  • May be slightly more expensive than other iron supplements on the market.

This supplement is gentle on the stomach and won’t cause any digestive discomfort. The added l-methylfolate is a great bonus for anyone looking to increase their folate levels as well.

In addition to raising hemoglobin and ferritin levels, this supplement also supports red blood cell formation and energy. We appreciate that all New Roots Herbal products are ISO 17025–accredited laboratory tested for quality and purity.

Overall, if you’re looking for a high-quality iron supplement that is gentle on your stomach and effective in raising your iron levels, the New Roots Herbal Heme Iron Supplement is definitely worth considering.

Buying Guide

When choosing an iron supplement for low ferritin, there are a few key features to look for to ensure you are getting the best product for your needs. Here are some factors to consider:

Form of Iron

Iron supplements come in different forms, including ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate. Each form has different amounts of elemental iron, which is the actual amount of iron available for your body to absorb. It’s important to choose a supplement with a high elemental iron content to ensure you are getting the most benefit.


The dosage of iron supplements can vary widely, so it’s important to choose a product that provides the right amount of iron for your needs. Your doctor can help you determine the appropriate dosage based on your ferritin levels and other factors.


Iron supplements can be difficult for your body to absorb, so it’s important to choose a product that is formulated for optimal absorption. Look for supplements that contain vitamin C, which can enhance iron absorption, and avoid products that contain calcium, which can inhibit absorption.

Side Effects

Iron supplements can cause side effects such as constipation, nausea, and stomach upset. Look for products that are formulated to minimize these side effects, and be sure to follow the recommended dosage carefully.

Other Considerations

In addition to these factors, there are other considerations to keep in mind when choosing an iron supplement. For example, some products may be better suited for vegetarians or people with allergies. Be sure to read product labels carefully and consult with your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most effective iron supplements for combating anemia without causing constipation?

Iron supplements come in various forms such as tablets, capsules, and liquids. Some of the most effective iron supplements include ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous gluconate. These supplements are readily available and have been shown to increase iron levels in the body. To avoid constipation, it is recommended to take iron supplements with food and drink plenty of water.

How can I identify if my iron supplements are effectively increasing my iron levels?

It is important to regularly monitor your iron levels through blood tests. This will help you determine if your iron supplements are effectively increasing your iron levels. It is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the frequency of blood tests and to discuss any concerns you may have.

What is the optimal way to take iron supplements to ensure maximum absorption?

Iron supplements are best absorbed on an empty stomach, however, this can cause stomach upset for some individuals. To ensure maximum absorption and minimize side effects, it is recommended to take iron supplements with food that is high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, or with a vitamin C supplement. Calcium, antacids, and dairy products can interfere with iron absorption and should be avoided when taking iron supplements.

Could you list some well-known iron tablet brands recommended for increasing ferritin?

Some well-known iron tablet brands include Ferro-Sequels, Slow Fe, and Feosol. These brands are widely available and have been shown to increase ferritin levels. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any iron supplement regimen.

What specific iron supplements are considered ideal for women’s health?

Iron supplements that are specifically formulated for women’s health may contain additional nutrients such as folic acid, which is important for fetal development during pregnancy. Examples of iron supplements for women’s health include Fergon, Vitron-C, and Floradix Iron + Herbs.

Which iron supplements are best suited for teenagers with low ferritin levels?

Teenagers with low ferritin levels may benefit from iron supplements that are specifically formulated for their age group. Examples of iron supplements for teenagers include Feosol Complete with Bifera, Slow Fe, and Iron Kids Gummies. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any iron supplement regimen.

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