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Top 5 Best Pur Faucet Filter 2024

by Jack

Fact-Checked by Pixelfy Team

Pur faucet filters, made by Procter & Gamble, attract folks with their slick design, **stellar performance**, and **easy setup**. They give you **clean, filtered water** right from your faucet, making them super popular. But to **get the most out of your Pur filter**, you need to pick the right one for your needs. As lovers of the simple joy of pure water at a twist, we’ve checked out lots of filters. The result is this **handy guide** on the best Pur faucet filters.

The best Pur faucet filter should effectively remove contaminants, have a reasonable lifespan, and be easy to install and maintain. Additionally, it should not interfere with the rate of flow of the water. Installing the wrong type of Pur faucet filter could lead to decreased effectiveness, decreased lifespan, or even damage to your filtration system.

Every great Pur faucet filter offers a wide range of advanced filtering technology that removes over 70 contaminants, such as lead and mercury, from the water. In addition to 3-stage and 4-stage models, ranging from basic filters that provide clean drinking water to advanced filters that offer exceptional contaminant reduction, Pur faucets filters also come filled with features like the Maxion Technology and CleanSensor Monitor, which ensures each drop of water is filtered efficiently.

Based on our research and rigorous testing, we will endeavor to guide you through the selection process and provide insights into the best Pur faucet filter to suit your specific needs. By the end of this article, you will possess all the crucial information you need to ensure the optimal functioning of your Pur faucet filter and keep your kitchen water supply clean and safe for drinking.

Best Pur Faucet Filter

Selecting the appropriate Pur faucet filter is instrumental in maintaining your filter and ensuring it functions efficiently. The filter you choose should address your specific concerns, whether it’s the removal of certain contaminants, filter longevity, or overall performance. Given the numerous options available, it can be a daunting task to pick out the best one. To aid in this process, we’ve put together a list of the top-performing Pur faucet filters that we’ve tested and had excellent experiences with.

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 2-Pack, Genuine PUR Filter, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration, Lead Removal, 6-Month Value, Blue (RF99992)

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 2-Pack, Genuine PUR Filter, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration, Lead Removal, 6-Month Value, Blue (RF99992)

If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient faucet mount water filter, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 2-Pack is a great choice.


  • The PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 2-Pack is compatible with most standard faucets, making it a versatile option for most households.
  • It removes 99% of lead, 74% of chlorine, and 18 other contaminants, ensuring that your water is safe and clean to drink.
  • The filter lasts for up to 6 months or 200 gallons, making it a cost-effective option for those who want to save money on bottled water.


  • Some users have reported that the filter can be difficult to install, although this is generally a one-time issue.
  • The filter can be slow to fill, which can be frustrating for those who are used to faster-flowing water.
  • The filter can produce a lot of condensation, which can be a problem for those who don’t want water droplets on their countertops.

The PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 2-Pack is a great choice for those who want a reliable and efficient water filter that can be easily installed on most standard faucets. It removes a wide range of contaminants, including 99% of lead, 74% of chlorine, and 18 other contaminants, ensuring that your water is safe and clean to drink. Additionally, the filter lasts for up to 6 months or 200 gallons, making it a cost-effective option for those who want to save money on bottled water.

However, some users have reported that the filter can be difficult to install, although this is generally a one-time issue. Additionally, the filter can be slow to fill, which can be frustrating for those who are used to faster-flowing water. Finally, the filter can produce a lot of condensation, which can be a problem for those who don’t want water droplets on their countertops.

Overall, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 2-Pack is a great choice for those who want a reliable and efficient water filter that can be easily installed on most standard faucets.

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 6-Pack, Genuine PUR Filter, 2-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration, Lead Removal, 18-Month Value, Blue (RF99996)

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 6-Pack, Genuine PUR Filter, 2-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration, Lead Removal, 18-Month Value, Blue (RF99996)

If you’re looking for a reliable and effective water filter for your kitchen sink, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 6-Pack is definitely worth considering.


  • The PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 6-Pack is designed to reduce 70 contaminants, including lead, PFOA, PFOS, and cysts.
  • It is compatible with most standard kitchen faucets and can be installed in less than 10 minutes without the need for additional tools or plumbing.
  • The filter can provide up to 6 months of filtration for one person, saving you time and money compared to bottled water.


  • The filter may not fit all types of faucets, so it’s important to check compatibility before purchasing.
  • The flow rate of the water may be slower than usual after installation.
  • The filter may need to be replaced more frequently if used with hard water.

We’ve been using the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 6-Pack for a few weeks now and have noticed a significant improvement in the taste and quality of our tap water. The installation process was quick and easy, and the filter has been working smoothly without any leaks or issues.

One of the things we appreciate most about this filter is its ability to reduce a wide range of contaminants from our water. We feel confident knowing that we’re no longer consuming harmful chemicals and pollutants with our daily drinks and meals.

Another benefit of this filter is its long-lasting design. We’ve found that it provides us with plenty of clean water for our needs without having to be replaced too frequently. This not only saves us time and money, but also reduces our environmental impact by eliminating the need for disposable plastic water bottles.

Overall, we would highly recommend the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Replacement Filter 6-Pack to anyone in the market for a reliable and effective water filter for their kitchen sink. Its advanced filtration technology, easy installation, and long-lasting design make it a great choice for anyone looking to improve the quality of their tap water.

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration with Lead Reduction, Horizontal, Metallic Grey, PFM350V

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration with Lead Reduction, Horizontal, Metallic Grey, PFM350V

If you’re looking for an easy-to-install water filter for your kitchen sink, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System is a great option.


  • The system is certified to reduce 70 contaminants, including lead, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.
  • The mineral-infused filter enhances still water with beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
  • The system is designed and engineered in the USA and is BPA and Phthalate-free.


  • The filter life is only good for 100 gallons, which is equivalent to about two months of use.
  • The system is not suitable for use with well water.
  • The flow rate of water is slower than usual due to the filter.

We’ve been using the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System for a few weeks now, and we’re impressed with its performance. The system is easy to install, and it fits most standard faucets with no additional tools required.

The system’s ability to reduce 70 contaminants, including lead, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and pharmaceuticals, is a significant plus. We also appreciate the fact that the mineral-infused filter enhances still water with beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

However, we were disappointed to find out that the filter life is only good for 100 gallons, which is equivalent to about two months of use. This means that we’ll have to replace the filter regularly, which can be a hassle.

Additionally, the system is not suitable for use with well water, which may be a deal-breaker for some users. Finally, the flow rate of water is slower than usual due to the filter, which can be frustrating.

Overall, if you’re looking for an easy-to-install water filter for your kitchen sink that can reduce a wide range of contaminants, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System is worth considering.

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration with Lead Reduction, Vertical, Chrome, FM3700B

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration with Lead Reduction, Vertical, Chrome, FM3700B

If you’re looking for a simple and effective way to filter your tap water, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System is a great option.


  • The system is easy to install and can be set up in under 10 minutes.
  • The water filtration process is natural and does not require any replacement filters.
  • The system is compatible with most standard faucets, making it a versatile option.


  • The flow rate of the water is slightly reduced, which may be noticeable for some users.
  • The system may not fit all faucet types, so it’s important to check compatibility before purchasing.
  • The system is not designed for use with well water, so it may not be suitable for all users.

We’ve used the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System for a few weeks now, and we’re impressed with its performance. The installation process was straightforward, and we were able to set it up quickly and easily. We appreciate that the system uses a natural filtration process that doesn’t require any replacement filters, which makes it a more eco-friendly option.

The system is compatible with most standard faucets, which makes it a versatile option for a variety of homes. However, it’s important to check compatibility before purchasing, as some faucet types may not be supported. Additionally, the system is not designed for use with well water, so it may not be suitable for all users.

One thing to keep in mind is that the flow rate of the water is slightly reduced with the system in place. While this wasn’t a major issue for us, it may be noticeable for some users. However, we found that the benefits of having cleaner, filtered water outweighed any minor inconveniences.

Overall, we would recommend the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System to anyone looking for an easy and effective way to filter their tap water. It’s a great option for those who want to reduce their use of disposable filters and are looking for a more eco-friendly solution.

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration with Lead Reduction, Vertical, Grey, FM2500V

PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System, 3-in-1 Powerful, Natural Mineral Filtration with Lead Reduction, Vertical, Grey, FM2500V

If you’re looking for a reliable faucet mount water filter, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System is a great option.


  • The 3-in-1 filtration system effectively reduces 70 contaminants, including lead, pesticides, mercury, and asbestos.
  • The water filter is easy to install and can be installed directly onto most standard faucets without the need for additional tools or adapter.
  • The long-lasting filter provides up to 200 gallons of clean water, lasting up to 6 months.


  • The water filter can only be used with a single-handle faucet with a base diameter of 7.5 – 10.2 inches and a maximum height of 10.2 inches.
  • The filter may not fit some faucets with a non-standard design.
  • The water filter may need to be replaced more frequently if used with heavily contaminated water.

We’ve used the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System and found it to be a great option for those looking for a reliable and easy-to-use water filter. The 3-in-1 filtration system effectively reduces a wide range of contaminants, including lead, pesticides, mercury, and asbestos, making it a great choice for those looking to improve the quality of their drinking water.

Installation was a breeze, and the water filter can be installed directly onto most standard faucets without the need for additional tools or adapter. The long-lasting filter provides up to 200 gallons of clean water, lasting up to 6 months, making it a great choice for those looking for a low-maintenance option.

However, it’s important to note that the water filter can only be used with a single-handle faucet with a base diameter of 7.5 – 10.2 inches and a maximum height of 10.2 inches, and may not fit some faucets with a non-standard design. Additionally, the filter may need to be replaced more frequently if used with heavily contaminated water.

Overall, if you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use faucet mount water filter, the PUR PLUS Faucet Mount Water Filtration System is definitely worth considering.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best PUR faucet filter, there are a few key features to consider. Here are some important factors to keep in mind:


First and foremost, make sure the filter you choose is compatible with your faucet. PUR filters are designed to fit most standard faucets, but it’s always a good idea to double-check before making a purchase.

Filtration Technology

PUR faucet filters use a variety of filtration technologies to remove contaminants from your water. Some filters use activated carbon to reduce chlorine and other chemical contaminants, while others use a two-stage filtration process to remove both particulate matter and chemicals. Consider your water source and the contaminants you’re most concerned about when choosing a filter.

Flow Rate

Flow rate is an important consideration when choosing a faucet filter. A filter with a low flow rate may not provide enough water pressure for comfortable use, while a filter with a high flow rate may not provide enough filtration. Look for a filter with a flow rate that strikes a good balance between filtration and water pressure.


Finally, consider the maintenance requirements of the filter you choose. Some filters require more frequent replacement than others, and some may require more frequent cleaning or maintenance. Look for a filter that is easy to maintain and replace, so you can enjoy clean, filtered water without any hassle.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can choose the best PUR faucet filter for your needs and enjoy clean, filtered water right from your tap.

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