Mar 17, 2022

How To Get Back A Suspended Amazon Seller Account – Complete Guide, Expert Advice & More   

How To Get Back A Suspended Amazon Seller Account

Amazon is an eCommerce platform that allows sellers to sell their goods online. It allows buyers to check their desired goods online and buy them.

Amazon has rules governing the trading process across its platform, and a seller must abide by them to enjoy trading privileges on the same platform.

If the seller operates outside the set rules, his/her account gets suspended and may risk being banned from the platform.

Once the seller’s account is suspended for some reason, he or she can get it reinstated.

Why Does an Account Get Suspended by Amazon?

How To Get Back A Suspended Amazon Seller Account

Amazon may decide to remove selling privileges from a seller for several reasons that are:

  • Selling restricted goods. Once Amazon finds out, they have no other choice than to suspend your account as a seller.
  • When Amazon feels that your performance is diving. Since Amazon competes with other online platforms, once they find out that you are underperforming, they will have your account suspended.
  • When you have violated Amazon’s policies. As a seller at Amazon, you must abide by Amazon’s rules, or else they will have no choice but to suspend your account.

To check if your account has been suspended, you will check your performance details on the notification within the central.

If your account is suspended, you will receive a notification saying that your selling privileges have been removed.

Once suspended, sellers are expected to create a plan of action based on the information in the notification.

Suspended sellers are expected to appeal to Amazon for their accounts to be reinstated. Before writing the appeal, the seller must thoroughly investigate the reason behind suspending his/her account.

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How to Prevent Account From Getting Suspended?

As a seller, you can prevent your account from being suspended by:

  • Reading your listing to check any potential flags. Make sure that you give both an accurate and honest description of the goods you offer.
  • Pay attention to listings. Examine your items and ensure you choose the correct condition category.
  • Do not sell counterfeit goods.
  • Ask Amazon to put an annotation on your account to state that the ASIN was not counterfeit.

However, if your seller account gets suspended, here’s the right way to get it back:

How To Get Back A Suspended Amazon Seller Account?

Why Does an Account Get Suspended by Amazon?

For many sellers, an account getting suspended is one of the stressful experiences and also a major risk to their income.

Every day several accounts get suspended, denied, or banned by Amazon. Suspension means that you still have a chance to appeal.

You only need to work on a plan of action. Denied means that your appeal was rejected, but you still have a chance to submit a revised action plan.

Banned means that your appeal has failed, and Amazon will no longer read your emails. This is the worst scenario of all.

If your account has been suspended or you need to know what you can do. This experience is quite stressful and requires one to be calm down to deal with the situation. Once you get the suspension notice from Amazon, do not respond immediately, but rather follow the following steps:

  1. Determine exactly why Amazon decided to suspend your account.
  2. If applicable, take steps to resolve the issues in the eyes of Amazon and the affected customer.
  3. Implement new systems to ensure the issues do not happen again.
  4. Determine the root cause of your suspension.

Write an Appeal

Things to Include When Writing The Appeal

When writing the appeal, you must include the following details in it:

  • The root causes that led to the issues and your account being suspended. You should have done thorough research to establish a good idea of the root cause and concisely state what the original issue was and show you understand the problem.
  • The actions you have taken to solve the current issue. Once you have established the issue, you must show what you have done to address the issue clearly.
  • The steps you have taken to prevent future issues. You have to let Amazon know that you have learned from the mistake and you are implementing procedures to prevent the issue from happening again.
  • Clearly explain the reason for the suspension to show that you understand the violation.
  • Identify the causes of the problems and explain the steps taken to rectify and prevent these issues from occurring again.

Things to Avoid When Writing The Appeal

As you write your appeal, there are some things you need to avoid:

  • Writing too much. You must ensure that you are clear and concise.
  • Deflecting blame or making excuses for what happened. As a suspended seller, you must take responsibility for what happened and make it clear that it won’t happen again.
  • Bring up problems that were not in the suspension notification sent by Amazon.
  • Do not try to make your response overly personal. You should not go into great detail about how sorry you are for making such a mistake.

Things to Consider To Write an Effective Appeal

To have an effective appeal, you will have to consider these things:

  • State that you take responsibility and acknowledge the harm done to the customer.
  • Do not criticize the Amazon product quality process.
  • Your appeal should be based on your internal account findings.
  • Tell Amazon that you are committed to offering awesome services to the customers, and you realize it is a privilege to sell at Amazon.
  • Keep it simple and give them facts while you focus on policy matters and not performance metrics.
  • Ensure that the plan of action has all the elements that led to the suspension addressed specifically

Formatting of Your Appeal

Your appeal should be submitted in the format that Amazon requests it to be. You will be formatting your appeal in the same way you write emails.

Make sure you use clear headings and break it up into paragraphs to make it easy to read.

After writing it, you can proofread it severally to ensure it meets Amazon’s requirements, and then you can send the appeal to Amazon.

Template for Appeal

As a suspended seller, you can choose this kind of template:

  1. Greeting and introductory part thanking them for the opportunity to appeal.
  2. Identify the general reason for suspension and then list issues that you have identified in your business.
  3. A line stating the actions you are taking to rectify those issues and also adding those issues in the bullet-point format right under that line.
  4. Thanking them for their time and then your signature.

Submit the Appeal

Once you are done, log in to seller central and browse to your suspension notification, then click “Appeal decision” to submit your appeal.

You will have to be patient and never send them consecutive emails, as the process may take even more than 48 hours for your appeal to be responded to.

Things Not to Do After Submitting the Appeal

After suspension, there are various things that you are not supposed to do:

  • Opening a new account. This action may kill your chances of getting your appeal approved.
  • Threaten, blame, criticize or be rude in any way.
  • Emailing seller support or submitting multiple appeals. Seller performance often does not respond with any confirmation when receiving a seller’s appeal. This causes further delays in response, and it is not advisable.
  • Do not modify, fabricate or edit any requested document.

If your account gets reinstated, make sure that you do everything in your power to keep your account in good graces so that you can sell on Amazon for a long time to come. (How to sell on Amazon)

Can I Get My Suspended Amazon Account Back? 

For many Amazon sellers, their account getting suspended can be extremely nerve-wracking. This is especially true if your Amazon business is your sole source of income. 

Many sellers are unable to tell at first whether or not they can get their Amazon account back. The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of reasons why your account may get suspended. 

These could be due to: 

  • Unsatisfactory performance 
  • Unprofessional customer service 
  • Failure to meet product requirements 

And much more. 

Hence, you can definitely send an appeal letter to Amazon to get your suspended account back. However, whether or not you’ll get it back will depend on the situation surrounding your suspension and Amazon’s decision. 

If your appeal gets rejected, Amazon may still give you another chance to revise your appeal and send it in again. 

However, after a certain amount of tries, your Amazon account may get banned. This means that you will not be able to appeal to Amazon to get it back anymore.

Want to learn more about amazon policies? Check out our website.


Suspended, Denied, or Banned are three terms that a correlated in the Amazon trading platform. Being suspended means that Amazon has revoked your ability to sell on the platform.

Your current listings are not publicly visible; obviously, you can not publish new ones. Denied means that you have already submitted an appeal to Amazon and have failed to convince the Amazon Seller Performance Team.

Banned is the end of the road and happens after sending multiple appeals that fail to win the ASPT over.

After receiving a suspension notification from Amazon, you need to follow the following steps before coming up with the appeal:

  1. Investigating the reason behind the suspension.

  2. Digging into the reasons behind the reason. It is important to identify what caused the reasons for the suspension.

  3. Plan of action.

Make sure you address all violations. Review your account and look at older notices or warnings you may have missed or ignored.

Moritz Bauer
FBA Buffer Stock

Expert in E-Commerce, Amazon FBA, and SEO – Multiple Website Owner and CEO at